A Buckeye in Texas

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Going to a new class is confusing in any language

I was lucky enough to be one of the recipients of the city's scholarships for classes at la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (San Antonio); that was only the beginning of my adventure. I went down there to take my placement test so they could determine which level of Spanish they would place me in. The oral test left something to be desired, but I thought I did pretty well on the multiple choice segment. As I was getting ready to leave, though, I was told that I had been placed in level 3. That meant I would need to change my work schedule since the classes were Tues and Thurs nights. No problem since my boss works hard to make sure everyone is able to do the things they want to do. He moved around everyone's schedules for my benefit. Voila, I was able to take the class.

So, I showed up downtown last Thursday, all ready to step into Level 3, even though I thought I should be in a bit higher level. My name wasn't on the class list when I arrived at the school. So, I asked, and I was informed that there had been a mistake with my test. I would be placed in Level 5 instead. That was all well and good, except that I went to the classroom and soon found out that the only students in the class were a native Spanish speaker and me. I had to concentrate very hard in order to catch everything that he and the instructor were saying to each other, and I thought to myself, "There is no possible way that I am at the same level as this gentleman."

Moments later, the thought didn't matter because we were informed that there are not enough people in our class to maintain the course for the semester so we would need to switch to level 4 or 6, which meet Monday and Wednesday. So, my work schedule will go back to normal (good), but I will need to decide between Level 4, which may be too easy, and Level 6, which is almost guaranteed to be too difficult. I will need to decide tonight whether I will be daring or play it safe. I'm thinking safe is the best bet since I could do with quite a bit of review.


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